Macro Equip Slot
This macro will equip your main hand weapon (Slot 17) and off hand weapon or shield (Slot 18) with a left click, and your other weapon/shield with a right click. Alternatively, if you just want to switch out your offhand, you could use /equipslot18 Weapon; /equipslot18 Other Weapon. The most important equipment slots to remember are: 13 – Trinket 1 14 – Trinket 2. Adding an equipslot # to your macro will activate the respective on-use trinket. For example, if you have an Ancient Petrified Seed equipped in your bottom trinket slot, you could macro it in with Bestial Wrath, like this. Equips or Unequips an item. First int is the equip slot of char (1-17), second int is from the backpack (61-120). If only one int is passed, it will remove the item from the equip slot. /script EquipItem (17,81); Equips the item in bagslot 81 to offhand EquipPendingItem GetActionCooldown Returns action's cooldown. A Macro is a customizable hotkey with 5 lines (1 command per line and a pause), you can store 12 per page and have 10 pages of macros. Common macros, include pulling, spell casting, corpse dragging. Your macros are stored per character file 'Yourcharacternameproject1999.ini' in your EQ directory.
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A Macro is a customizable hotkey with 5 lines (1 command per line and a pause), you can store 12 per page and have 10 pages of macros. Common macros, include pulling, spell casting, corpse dragging. Your macros are stored per character file 'Yourcharactername_project1999.ini' in your EQ directory.
For directions on how to make hotkeys to invoke macros, see the Advanced_Techniques_Guide under 'Macros'.
Macro Commands
Sample commands used in macros:
/autoinventory (good when foraging i.e.)
/Gsay incoming with %T
/memspellset Doesn't seem to work in P99
Percent Target Descriptors
Shortcut | Value Checked | Result |
%T | Target's Name | A Qeunos Guard |
%S | Gendered Subject Pronoun | he/she/it |
%O | Gendered Object Pronoun | him/her/it |
%P | Gendered Possessive Pronoun | his/hers/its |
%R | Target's Race (players only) | Human |
Format: /cast [number of spell gem (1-8)]
Format: /doability [number on Abilities page or Combat page of Actions window]
- /doability 4 <will do the 4th Skill on Abilities Page>
- /doability 7 <will do the 3rd Skill on Combat page>
Abilities Menu | |||
[1] | [2] | [Melee] | [Ranged] |
[3] | [4] | [7] | [8] |
[5] | [6] | [9] | [10] |
Format: /disc [name of Discipline]
Example: /disc Righteous Indignation
Pause commands are special as they are executed at the end of each macro line even though they are typed at the front. Pauses a macro sequence for 10 * x milliseconds. The actual value is a little lower, so /pause 500 is approximately 60 seconds +/- a couple seconds for server ticks. Pause cannot go over 70 seconds.
Remember to account for your latency to the server when adding pauses in your macro. A higher latency may require a longer pause than someone with a lower latency.
Format: /pause [#]
- /pause 10 <pauses for 1 second>
- /pause 15 <pauses for 1.5 seconds>
- /pause 100 <pauses for 10 seconds>
Doesn't seem to work in P99
Timer will not go over 7 hours
Bind Wound
- Line 1: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 2: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 3: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 4: /pause 100, /doability #
- Line 5: /doability #
Alternate Line 5: /sit
Corpse Dragging
- Line 1: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 2: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 3: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 4: /pause 10, /corpse
- Line 5: /corpse
Dragging Two Corpses
- /pause 2, /target Name'
- /pause 2, /corpse
- /pause 2, /target Name'
- /corpse
Leveling Casting Skills
This will cast the spell in your top spell slot once every 6 seconds for 5 casts.
- Line 1: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 2: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 3: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 4: /pause 60, /cast 1
- Line 5: /cast 1
Cannibalize Stand Sit
pause 14 for Canni 1, 2 & 3
pause 26 for Canni 4
- /pause 2, /stand
- /pause 14, /cast 1
- /sit
Pet Attack Different Target
This requires the player to be targeting the npc they want their pet to attack instead.
- /pause 2, /pet back
- /pet attack
Pet Back Follow
Backs the pet off a target to their owner and off their guard spot.
This can also be used to trick the fire ele pet into casting DS on it self
- /pause 2, /pet back
- /pet follow
- 'Hands' redirects here. For the hozen, see Hands (hozen).
- 1Armor
- 2Non-armor
- 3Weapons
- 4Decorative
- 5Other
- 6Removed
There are 18 equipment slots on a character, as well as 4 bag slots above the Micro Menu and a mount equipment slot in the Mount Journal. The combination of equipment slot and item type is often the first categorization of items used.
The eight armor slots may have one of four types of armor: cloth, leather, mail, and plate. Each class may equip only certain types of armor.
- Equipment names
- helm, helmet, mask, lens, monocle, cap, headpiece, crown, circlet, shroud, cowl, hood, headband, goggles, coif, headdress, chapeau, barbute
- Upgrades
- Meta gems, Gems
- Equipment names
- amice, spaulders, pads, pauldrons, mantle, monnions, epaulets, shoulder, shoulderpads, shoulderguards
- Upgrades
- Shoulders enchants, Gems, Inscriptions (inscribers only)
- Equipment names
- robes, vest, tunic, armor, wraps, harness, hauberk, jerkin, chain, breastplate, blouse, chestpiece
- Upgrades
- Chest enchants and armor kits, Gems
- Equipment names
- bindings, armguards, cuffs, bracers, vambraces, wristguards, bracelets
- Upgrades
- Wrist enchants, Gems, Fur Lining (Leatherworkers only), [Socket Bracer] (Blacksmiths only)
- Equipment names
- gloves, gauntlets, mitts, mittens
- Upgrades
- Hands enchants and armor kits, Gems, Tinkers (Engineers only), [Socket Gloves] (Blacksmiths only)
- Equipment names
- belt, girdle, sash, cinch, cord
- Upgrades
- Belt Buckles, Gems, Tinkers (Engineers only)
- 'Legs' redirects here. For the companion, see [Legs].
- Equipment names
- chausses, trousers, breeches, leggings, kilt, dungarees, loincloth, woollies, pants, britches
- Upgrades
- Legs armor kits and spellthreads, Gems
- Equipment names
- boots, walkers, greaves, footwraps, sabatons, slippers, shoes, stompers, footpads
- Upgrades
- Feet enchants and armor kits, Gems
Non-armor gear only has one type, so there will be nothing in the 'type' spot in item tooltips.
- Equipment names
- amulet, lei, talisman, medallion, necklace, charm, choker, chain, pendant, collar.
- Upgrades
- Gems
- Equipment names
- cape, blanket, cloak, drape, mantle
- Upgrades
- Back enchants, Gems, Embroideries (Tailors only), Tinkers (Engineers only)
- Equipment names
- ring, band, signet, seal, loop, circle.
- Upgrades
- Enchantments (Enchanters only), Gems
Two finger slots are available
- Upgrades
- Gems (Jewelcrafters only)
Two trinket slots are available
Main-Hand (One-Hand/Two-Hand)
One-hand items,
Two-hand items categories
- Weapon types
- Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Fist weapon, Gun, Mace, Polearm, Staff, Sword, Wand, Fishing Pole
- Upgrades
- Weapon enchants, Counterweights, Weapon Chains, Fishing line (fishing pole only)
The Main Hand slot can hold main hand, one-handed or two-handed weapons. If a two-handed weapon is equipped, the off-hand slot must be empty unless the character is a warrior with the [Titan's Grip] talent.
Off-Hand (One-Hand/Two-Hand)
- Weapon types
- Axe, Dagger, Held In Off-hand, Fist weapon, Mace, Shield, Sword
- Upgrades
- Enchantments, Counterweights, Weapon Chains, Shield Spike
The Off Hand slot can hold off hand or one-handed weapons (Dual wielding classes only), shields (warrior, paladin and shaman only) or Held In Off-hand frill items. If a two-handed weapon is equipped in the main hand slot, this slot must be empty unless the character is a Fury warrior with [Titan's Grip].
Decorative items only have one type, so there will be nothing in the 'type' spot in item tooltips. Decorative items have no stats and cannot be upgraded.
Ranged or Relic
Equipment slots in macros
When creating macros based on 'click to use' items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However, using the numeric equipment slot identifiers eliminates the need to manually modify macros after upgrading a particular item.
These slot designations are particularly handy for engineers whose Tinker enhancements and Engineering-only items add and/or posses an 'on use' ability for items in the Back, Belt, Foot and Head slot that would not normally posses such capability for non-engineers.
Here are is a complete list of each equipment slot and its numeric designation for macro purposes
Slot | Number |
Head | 1 |
Neck | 2 |
Shoulder | 3 |
Shirt | 4 |
Chest | 5 |
Belt | 6 |
Legs | 7 |
Feet | 8 |
Wrist | 9 |
Gloves | 10 |
Finger 1 (Top) | 11 |
Finger 2 (Bottom) | 12 |
Trinket 1 (Top) | 13 |
Trinket 2 (Bottom) | 14 |
Back | 15 |
Main Hand | 16 |
Off Hand | 17 |
Tabard | 19 |
Patch changes
Equip Slot Macro Vanilla
- Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Range/Relic slots are being removed from all classes. Range weapons (bows, guns, wands) will use the main hand slot.
- Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): The ammo mechanic was removed from the game, and the ammo slot was removed along with changing ammo items to gray items.