City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot
Slash Commands
- City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Free Play
- City Of Heroes Mastermind Guide
- City Of Heroes Mastermind Build
- City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Machines
- City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Car
- City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Game
Slash commands are entered in the chat window preceeded by a slash. Although many of these are covered in the game's manual, there are also quite a few which are not documented anywhere but by the /cmdlist command. As these commands are all quite useful when making macros and keybinds, knowing which ones are available can help you know what is possible with your character.
Since there are so many slash commands, I am going to divide them into categories:
Character Commands
These commands control the player's character, and allow him to move, select targets, and use his powers. These are probably the most valuable commands when setting up macros and keybinds.
City of Heroes is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game based on comic-book style superheroes.Set in and around Paragon City, a fictional Rhode Island metropolis still recovering after a thwarted but still disastrous Alien Invasion, it superbly reproduced the flavor and feel of the superheroic genre. The Alpha Slot is the first 'level' of the Incarnate System which launched with Issue 19. The Alpha Slot includes a Level Shift at higher tiers. The Common and Uncommon boosts were released with Issue 19; the Rare and Very Rare boosts were released with the Strike Pack, a post Issue 19 update on February 2, 2011. In Oroboros there is a contact called Astral Christy; you can use 5 Astral merits to gain an email voucher which will unlock your Alpha slot on any toon that is trained to 50. Astral merits are awarded during the Incarnate trials, for doing the Tin Mage or Apex TFs, and for running the Signature Story arcs. This City of Heroes guide explains how the Incarnate System works, how to get Incarnate resources and how to craft Incarnate enhancements.Shout out to @Flame. City of Heroes is the property of Cryptic Studios and NCSoft. This is an unofficial fan site, created by compiling information from the game. All information on this site is subject to change by Cryptic, and may be out of date.
City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Free Play
- enemy - hostile enemies
- friend - friendlies, including pets
- defeated - 0 HP targets
- alive - living targets
- mypet - include only your pets
- notmypet - exclude your pets
- base - include only passive base items
- notbase - exclude passive base items
- teammate - include only teammates
- notteammate - exclude teammates
City Of Heroes Mastermind Guide
City Of Heroes Mastermind Build
City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Machines
UI Commands
These commands control the user interface, and allow the user to change the way the screen is laid out to fit his personal style. The commands to actually set up and load keybinds are also in this category.
- /alttray
- Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
- /alt2tray
- Toggle the terciary tray while a key is being pressed. (for keybinds)
- /alttraysticky
- Toggle the secondary tray
- /bind
- Binds a key to a command - 'bind k ++forward' will set k to toggle running forward.
- /bind_load
- Reads a list of keybinds from <INSTALLDIR>/keybinds.txt. Use this to load a bind set you saved with /bind_save.
- /bind_load_file
- Reads a list of keybinds from a file. Note you can combine keybinds by loading more than one file, and even change keybinds, by clever use of this feature.
- /bind_save
- Saves all keybinds to <INSTALLDIR>/keybinds.txt. Use this to save a bind set you want to copy to another character.
- /bind_save_file
- Saves all keybinds to specified file.
- /buffs
- Toggle team buff display
- /canlook
- Whether the player can use the mouse to look around
- /chat
- Toggles the chat window
- /contextmenu
- Activate an context menu slot
- /copychat
- Copy the entire chat history from specified chat Tab into the clipboard.
- /cmdlist
- Prints out all commands available
- /ctm, /clicktomove
- Enables click-to-move
- /ctm_toggle
- Click-to-move toggle
- /demostop
- Stops demo record/play
- /dialog_yes
- Answer OK, Yes, or Accept to current dialog
- /dialog_no
- Answer OK, No, or Cancel to current dialog
- /dialog_answer
- Answer dialog with button matching provided text
- /e3screenshot
- Enable special E3 2004 screenshot mode
- /first
- Toggle between first and third person (Synonym: third)
- /getpos
- Get current position
- /goto_tray
- Go to specified tray number
- /goto_tray_alt
- Go to specified tray number in the secondary tray
- /goto_tray_alt2
- Go to specified tray number in the tertiary
- /goto_trays_tray
- Go to specified tray number in the specified tray. (Specify tray, 0-2)
- /hideprimarychat
- Hide/Unhide primary chat window text messages
- /info
- Opens the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target)
- /info_tab
- Opens the specified tab of the info window for the current target (yourself if you have no target)
- /info_self
- Opens the info window for yourself
- /info_tab_self
- Opens the specified tab of the info window for yourself
- /kiosk
- Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
- /loc
- Get current position
- /localtime
- Prints local time (on your computer)
- /logchat
- Toggle chat logging
- /macro
- Add a macro to first empty slot
- /macroslot
- Add a macro to provided slot
- /manage
- Go to the enhancement management screen
- /map
- Toggles the map window
- /menu
- Toggles the Menu
- /nav
- Toggles the navigation window
- /newspaper
- Open up the newspaper. Not the emote, this is the CoV newspaper. It can be accessed by heroes, but merely says that they need to visit their Broker, which heroes do not yet have.
- /next_tray
- Go to next tray
- /next_tray_alt
- Go to next secondary tray
- /next_tray_alt2
- Go to next tertiary tray
- /next_trays_tray
- Go to next trays tray slot. (Specify tray, 0-2, to go to next tray)
- /popmenu
- Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location
- /powers
- Toggles the power inventory
- /prev_tray
- Go to previous tray
- /prev_tray_alt
- Go to previous secondary tray
- /prev_tray_alt2
- Go to previous tertiary tray
- /prev_trays_tray
- Go to previous trays tray slot. (Specify tray, 0-2, to go to previous tray)
- /quickchat
- Pops up the quickchat menu
- /quit
- Quits game
- /release
- Activate medicom unit for emergency medical transport
- /respec
- Go to respec screen if you recieved a free holiday respec
- /screenshot
- Save a .jpg format screenshot
- /screenshottitle
- Save a .jpg format screenshot with the given title
- /screenshottga
- Save a .tga format screenshot
- /screenshotui
- Enables or disables the UI for screenshots (1=ui on, 0=ui off)
- /servertime
- Get the current server time
- /show
- Forces the given window to be shown (Synonym: window_show)
- /tabtoggle
- Make the previously active chat tab the new active tab. Used to flip between two tabs
- /tabnext
- Cycle forward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
- /tabprev
- Cycle backward through all chat tabs in indicated chat window (0-4)
- /tabglobalnext
- Cycle forward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
- /tabglobalprev
- Cycle backward through all chat tabs in all windows. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
- /tabselect
- Select the given chat tab. Will open the corresponding chat window if necessary.
- /target
- Toggles the target window
- /third
- Toggles between first and third person camera (Synonym: first)
- /toggle
- Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: window_toggle)
- /tray
- Toggles the tray window
- /tray_sticky
- Toggles the sticky state of the specified tray. (First argument is the tray, 1 or 2, second is 1 for showing, 0 for not)
- /tray_sticky
- Toggles the sticky state of the alt2 tray.
- /whereami
- Tells name of the shard/map you are on
- /window_color
- Changes the window colors
- /window_hide
- Forces the given window to be hidden.
- /window_resetall
- Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
- /window_scale
- Change a single window scale
- /window_show
- Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
- /window_toggle
- Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown. (Synonym: toggle)
- /windowcolor
- Changes the window colors
Chat Commands
These commands control the chat interface, and help the user communicate with other players. I will also include the commands for user feedback to the developers.
- /afk
- Marks the player as Away From Keyboard. (with given message) AFK is canceled by moving in any direction. Note the people who are reading the newspaper while AFK are also using an emote, below.
- /ac, /arena
- Send message to Arena channel
- /auction
- Send message to request channel (Synonyms: req, request, sell)
- /autoreply
- Start a reply for client
- /b, /broadcast
- Send message to entire map (Synonyms: y, yell)
- /beginchat
- Starts chat-entry mode with given string (Synonym: startchat)
- /bug
- Report a bug. Enter a short description of any length.
- /c, /coalition
- Send message to coalition channel
- /chan_create
- Create a new chat channel
- /chan_desc
- Set's the channel's description
- /chan_invite
- Invite a player or chat handle to a chat channel (Synonym: ginvite)
- /chan_invite_gf
- Invite your entire global friends list to a chat channel
- /chan_invite_sg
- Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders can use this command. You must specify minimum rank (0-4)
- /chan_invite_team
- Invite your entire team or task force to a chat channel
- /chan_join
- Join an existing chat channel
- /chan_leave
- Leave a chat channel
- /chan_user_mode
- Sets user permissions for specified user on channel. You must have operator status to set permissions. (-join will kick the specified user)
- /chan_mode
- Changes the default access rights for a new user who joins the channel. If you set -join, no one can join.
- /chan_members
- List all members of channel
- /chan_motd
- Sets the channel's Message of the Day, which is sent to everyone that joins the channel.
- /chan_send
- Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have send priviledges. (Synonym: send)
- /change_handle
- Change your global user name, if allowed
- /chat_cycle
- Cycles between the channels in chat
- /chatoptions
- Toggles chat options for specified window (0-4)
- /chat_set
- Selects the given channel. (Type the first letter or name of the channel, broadcast, team, etc)
- /e, /em, /emote, /me
- Emotes a text string
- /emaildelete
- Delete message <message num>
- /emailheaders
- Request email headers
- /emailread
- Request message <message num>
- /emailsend
- Send message <player names> <subject> <body>
- /estrange
- Remove player from friend list (Synonym: unfriend)
- /f
- Talk to friends channel
- /fl, /friendlist
- Display friend list
- /friend
- Add player to friend list
- /g, /group
- Send message to group channel (Synonym: team)
- /gfriend
- Add a player to your global friends list
- /gfriends
- Display all members of your global friends list
- /ghide
- Make yourself invisible to your global friends
- /gignore
- Adds a player to your global chat ignore list
- /gignoring
- Lists all players in your global chat ignore list
- /ginvite
- Invite a player or chat handle to a chat channel (Synonym: chan_invite)
- /ginvite_sg
- Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders can use this command. You must specify minimum rank (0-4)
- /gunfriend
- Remove a player from your global friends list
- /gunhide
- Make yourself visible to your global friends
- /gunignore
- Remove a player from your global chat ignore list
- /hide
- Hide from other users
- /ignore
- Ignore User
- /ignorelist
- Displays a list of ignored users
- /l, /local
- Send message to your area
- /myhandle
- Display your global chat handle
- /p, /private
- Send a message to only one player (Synonyms: t, tell, whisper)
- /petition
- Add user petition (stuck, cheated, etc) to the database
- /req, /request
- Send message to request channel (Synonyms: sell, auction)
- /s, /say
- Sends the given text on the current chat channel.
- /sell
- Send message to request channel (Synonyms: req, request, auction)
- /send
- Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have send priviledges. (Synonym: chan_send)
- /sg, /supergroup
- Send message to super group channel
- /slashchat
- Starts chat-entry mode with slash
- /startchat
- Starts chat-entry mode (Synonym: beginchat)
- /t, /tell
- Send a message to only one player (Synonyms: p, private, whisper)
- /team
- Send message to group channel (Synonyms: g, group)
- /unfriend
- Remove player from friend list (Synonym: estrange)
- /unhide
- Stop hiding from other users
- /unignore
- Unignore User
- /watching
- Lists all channels that you belong to
- /whisper
- Send a message to only one player (Synonyms: t, tell, private)
- /y, /yell
- Send message to entire map (Synonyms: b, broadcast)
Team Commands
These commands are used to set up and manage teams. They include commands for searching for teammates. I will also include the commands for setting up Arena battles.
- /ai, /arenainvite
- Invite player to join your Arena event
- /comment
- Set search comment
- /ex, /exemplar
- Invite player to be your exemplar (for heroes) (Synonym: rsk)
- /findmember
- Find a player (Synonyms: sea, search)
- /getarenastats
- Get your arena stats
- /get_comment
- Get search comment
- /i, /invite
- Invite player to join team
- /k, /kick
- Kick player from team
- /leaveteam
- Leave your current team up
- /lfg
- Toggle looking for group status
- /lfgset
- Set looking for group status
- /lk, /lackey
- Invite player to be your lackey (for villains)
- /mal, /malefactor
- Invite player to be your malefactor (for villains)
- /ml, /makeleader
- Change the team leader
- /r, /reply
- Reply to last received private message
- /rsk
- Invite player to be your exemplar (reverse sidekick) (Synonyms: ex, exemplar)
- /sea, /search
- Find a player (Synonyms: findmember)
- /sidekick_accept
- Accept an invitation to be a sidekick
- /sidekick_decline
- Decline an invitation to be a sidekick
- /sk, /sidekick
- Invite player to be your sidekick (for heroes)
- /team_accept
- Receives a team accept
- /team_decline
- Receives a team decline
- /trade
- Invite player to trade
- /trade_accept
- Receives a trade accept
- /trade_decline
- Receives a trade decline
- /unex, /unexemplar, /unrsk
- No longer be an aspirant (or be an exemplar)
- /unlk, /unlackey
- No longer be a lackey. (or his mentor)
- /unmal, /unmalefactor
- No longer be a malefactor
- /unsk, /unsidekick
- No longer mentor (or be a sidekick)
- /who
- Get info on named player
- /whoall
- Print who's on this map
Supergroup Commands
These commands are specifically used for managing supergroups and coalitions.
- /ci, /coalition_invite
- Invite player's supergroup to join coalition
- /coalition_cancel
- Cancel coalition with a supergroup
- /coalition_mintalkrank
- Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
- /coalition_nosend
- Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
- /coalition_sg_mintalkrank
- Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
- /demote
- Demote supergroup member one rank
- /namecaptain
- Renames the captain supergroup rank
- /namecommander
- Renames the commander supergroup rank
- /nameenforcer
- Renames the enforcer villaingroup rank
- /nameflunky
- Renames the flunky villaingroup rank
- /nameleader
- Renames the leader supergroup rank
- /namelieutenant
- Renames the lieutenant supergroup rank
- /namemember
- Renames the member supergroup rank
- /nameoverlord
- Renames the overlord villaingroup rank
- /nameringleader
- Renames the ringleader villaingroup rank
- /nametaskmaster
- Renames the taskmaster supergroup rank
- /promote
- Promote supergroup member one rank
- /raid_invite
- Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid. (Synonym: sgraid_invite)
- /sg_accept
- Receives a supergroup accept
- /sg_decline
- Receives a supergroup decline
- /sgi, /sginvite
- Invite player to join supergroup
- /sgk, /sgkick
- Kick player from join supergroup
- /sgleave
- Leave your current supergroup
- /sgmode
- Toggle supergroup mode
- /sgmodeset
- Set supergroup mode
- /sgraid_invite
- Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid. (Synonym: raid_invite)
- /sgraid_window
- Set your supergroup raid window <daybits> <hour>
- /sgsetdemotetimeout
- Sets supergroup Demote Timeout
- /sgsetdescription
- Sets supergroup description
- /sgsetmotd
- Sets supergroup “Message of the Day”
- /sgsetmotto
- Sets supergroup motto
- /sgstats
- Display supergroup info in chat window
Pet Commands
These commands have been defined specifically for Masterminds to control their pets. They do not work with any other type of pets, although any archetype can use the /release_pets and /petselect commands. (So they are also listed in the Character Commands above)
Stances are 'aggressive', 'defensive' and 'passive'. Actions are 'attack', 'goto', 'follow', 'stay' and 'dismiss'. Commands that require a pet name, stance, action, or power name will take any unique portion of the name, thus you could use 'at' instead of 'attack'. If you use a portion of a pet name that is not unique (for instance, 'zombie' if your zombies are named 'zombie 1' and 'zombie 2') it will command both of them. If you name your pets, however, you can use the /petcom_pow command to command all those of a given type.
- /clear_petnames
- Clear the names of all your named pets
- /petcom
- Set the stance or action of current pet (you can set both a stance and an action, or either)
- /petcom_all
- Set the stance or action of all pets
- /petcom_name
- Set the stance or action of a specific pet (specified by name)
- /petcom_pow
- Set the stance or action of all pets cast by the given power
- /petsay
- Make your current pet say something or emote (Emotes must be enclosed in brackets, as in '<em cower>'. You may include both a statement and an emote in the same command)
- /petsay_all
- Make all pets say something or emote
- /petsay_name
- Make the named pet say something or emote
- /petsay_pow
- Make all pets created by the given power say something or emote
- /petselect
- Select pet (by numeric value, 0, 1, 2 and so on)
- /petselectname
- Select pet (by name or part of name)
- /petrename
- Rename your current pet
- /petrename_name
- Rename the named pet
- /release_pets
- Release your current pets (This will work with the 'pets' in Traps and Dark Miasma, as well as the Necromancer's Ghosts. Once released, you have to wait for the power to recharge, so use with caution)
- /show_petnames
- Displays the names of all your named pets
- /petoptions
- Displays pet options context menu. Do NOT issue this command with any other Archetype but Mastermind. As of the latest release, it will crash the program. (Possibly only in CoH)
There are a number of emotes that have been defined for City of Heroes, most of which are not documented in the manual. Note that if you type anything as an emote that is not in this list (for instance, /emote thinks) you will see 'thinks' in a thought balloon, and in the chat window as 'So-and-so thinks'. In this way you can emote just about anything.
Case does not matter, so you can type /emote yes or /emote Yes. Many emotes are continuous, in order to cancel them, just move. Note that afk and newspaper are also commands. As an emote, afk simply is the same as the newspaper, it does not make you go afk. The /newspaper command, however, is completely unrelated to its emote.
- afk
- You pull out a newspaper and begin reading it. (same as newspaper)
- afraid
- Cowers in fear, as if effected by a Fear power. (same as cower, fear, scared)
- akimbo
- Stands with hands on hips. This is part of the 'idle' animation.
- angry
- Glowers menacingly, with hands on hips.
- assumepositionwall
- Leans forward with hands out as if leaning against a wall, about to be frisked. You should be facing a wall for best effect, although it could be used as if you were trying to stop a train or the like. :)
- atease
- Stands with hands behind back, in a military 'at ease' pose.
- attack
- Points straight ahead. (same as point)
- batsmash
- Pulls out a bat and begins smashing a target, similar to the animation NPCs use. The bat is swung downward, so could be targetted on an object of varying height. Also useful for Masterminds.
- batsmashreact
- Similar to the cower animation, but crouches on the floor as well. Although it could be used alone, the victim flinches at times appropriate to the batsmash animation.
- beatchest
- Beats chest as if enraged, similar to the 'Tough' power animation. With 'roar' sound effect. (not the same as roar)
- biglaugh
- Puts up hands while laughing, in a 'stop, I can't stand it!' kind of gesture. (same as laugh2)
- bigwave
- Waves your arm over your head. (same as overhere)
- bb, boombox
- Brings out a boombox and begins dancing. Several music selections, which I won't list here. (each begins with bb, if you hear one you like, ask what it is)
- bow
- Bows, with palms together.
- bowdown
- Puts out a hand in a 'bow before me' gesture, then lowers the hand and looks down.
- burp
- Burps, with appropriate sound effect. Use sparingly, or people will /ignore you. :D
- buzzoff
- Makes a dismissive gesture with one hand. (same as goaway)
- champion
- Does a clasped hands 'victory' animation. (Same as winner)
- cheer
- Either does the start of the 'wavefist' animation, or does an 'egging on' type of animation with the fists being waved close to the body. Calling it repeatly will alternate the animation.
- clap
- Claps your hands. Has a sound effect, so should be used sparingly.
- coin, cointoss
- Tosses a coin. After the animation, the coin appears over your head to indicate the result. Heads shows a picture of Statesman, tails is the Atlas Park statue.
- cower
- Cowers in fear, as if effected by a Fear power. (same as fear, scared, afraid)
- crossarms
- Crosses arms in front of you. (Part of the 'idle' animation)
- curseyou
- Similar to frustration, but raises only one hand. Gesture is to the sky, not a target. (same as noooo)
- dance
- A considerably more 'wacky' dance than the one done with boombox.
- dice
- Throws a dice. After the animation, the dice will appear over your head to indicate what you rolled. (Note that due to the random number generator you might roll the same thing several times in a row)
- disagree
- Similar to dontattack, but much longer and more vehement in its refusal.
- dontattack
- Waves arms in a refusal sort of way. (same as no)
- drat
- Clenches fists, then stomps foot in a gesture of extreme displeasure.
- dropboombox
- Same as boombox.
- drumdance
- Does a sort of rain dance.
- explain
- A long animation in which you use gestures to try and calm the other person down and explain both sides of the situation.
- elaugh, evillaugh
- Melodramatic, villainous version of a laugh. (same as muahahaha)
- elegantbow, fancybow
- Similar to bow, but much more 'proper' and high class.
- fear
- Cowers in fear, as if effected by a Fear power. (same as cower, scared, afraid)
- flashlight
- Pulls out an extremely large flashlight and looks around. The flashlight will alternately be pointing up and down, and subsequent calls will toggle it. Note that the flashlight will not emit light unless your system is capable of handling Bloom and other lighting effects.
- flex, flex1, flex2, flex3, flexa, flexb, flexc
- Various bodybuilder flex animations.
- flipcoin
- Same as coin or cointoss.
- frustrated
- Similar to curseyou, but raises both fists and shakes them in frustration.
- goaway
- Makes a dismissive gesture with one hand. (same as buzzoff)
- grief
- Cries out and falls to the ground. Useful for making a big scene over a fallen comrade.
- hand
- Similar to goaway, but holds out the hand palm out instead of waving it. The 'talk to the hand' gesture. (same as talktohand)
- handsup
- Raises hands in a give up pose, sometimes dropping to knees as well. Calling it repeatedly will alternate the animation. (same as surrender)
- hi
- A short wave in front of your body. (same as wave)
- holdtorch
- Pulls out a lit torch and holds it up. Unlike flashlight, this emote produces light on all systems.
- huh
- Shrugs shoulders. (same as shrug)
- jumpingjacks
- Does Jumping Jacks.
- kata
- Does a martial arts kata. (same as martialarts)
- kneel
- Kneels, on both knees, not just one as in the Rest animation.
- laptop
- Pulls out a laptop computer and puts it on a table (also summoned by the animation) and begins working on it.
- laugh
- Laughs.
- laugh2, laughtoo
- Different laugh, with a hand gesture like 'stop, I can't stand it!'. (same as biglaugh)
- lecture
- A long animation in which you talk at length about something very important, with appropriate gestures.
- ledgesit
- Sits with legs hanging over the edge of whatever is being sat on. Not intended for use with solid floors, but on pipes or ledges where the legs can be seen hanging down. Can be used to sit on benches and chairs, if you stand on them first, although the animation of looking down may not fit.
- lotus
- Sits in the lotus position on the ground and meditates. (Same as yoga)
- martialarts
- Does a martial arts kata. (same as kata)
- militarysalute
- The 'proper' military salute, with feet together and very precise motion.
- muahahaha
- Melodramatic, villainous version of a laugh. (same as evillaugh)
- newspaper
- You pull out a newspaper and begin reading it. (Very useful with /afk, you can set it to a keybind with 'emote newspaper$$afk')
- no
- Waves arms in a refusal sort of way. (same as dontattack)
- nod
- Nods, with hands on hips. Note this is not the same as 'yes'.
- noooo
- Similar to frustration, but raises only one hand. Gesture is to the sky, not a target. (same as curseyou)
- overhere
- Waves your arm over your head. (same as bigwave)
- panhandle
- Pulls out a tin cup and begins to beg. Possibly useful for people begging for Influence. :D
- peerin
- Put hands around eyes to shield them and looks intently at something. It seems to be designed for looking in windows, as you look straight ahead and not up or down. You may be able to appear to be looking at a display case or other object, however, if the case is very tall, or your character is short.
- point
- Points straight ahead. (same as attack)
- praise
- Falls to knees and begins to bow. (Usually towards something or someone)
- protest
- Holds up a protest sign.
- raisehand
- Raises your hand and leaves it there. (same as stop)
- research
- Pulls out a book, and begins lecturing in a preaching sort of fashion.
- researchlow
- Same as research, but kneels on the ground. Looks a bit more like the character is studying something on a wall and comparing it to a book.
- roar
- Lets out a roar, with appropriate sound effect. Use with caution. :D The gesture is an animal-like clawing at the air.
- rock, paper, scissors
- Often used to select which teammate will go scout around or the like. The animation is always the same, followed by the item, rock, paper or scissors, appearing above the character's head.
- rolldice
- Same as dice.
- rooting
- Does an 'arm pumping' cheer with the arm raised and going in circles. Then calls out with hands around mouth, and ends with the clap animation, with sound. (same as wavefist)
- salute
- Salutes, military style, but with legs apart and somewhat sloppy.
- scared
- Cowers in fear, as if effected by a Fear power. (same as cower, fear, afraid)
- score
- Holds up a card with the specified score on it. Must be followed with a number, as in 'score1' or 'score10'.
- shrug
- Shrugs shoulders. (same as huh)
- shucks
- Less vehement than drat, makes a sort of snaps fingers gesture, 'just missed it'.
- sit
- Sits on the ground, with arms folded over knees.
- slap
- Open handed slap, complete with sound effect. Useful for Masterminds bullying their pets.
- slapreact
- Flinches back as if slapped, then stands stunned. Useful in combination with slap, Masterminds can use petsay to make their pets respond accordingly.
- slash, slashthroat
- Makes a slashing motion across the throat.
- smack
- A backhand slap.
- smackyou
- Raises a hand as if to do the smack gesture, but only threatens to. (same as threathand)
- sorry
- Bows, with hands folded. (same as bow)
- stop
- Raises your hand and leaves it there. (same as raisehand)
- surrender
- Raises hands in a give up pose, sometimes dropping to knees as well. Calling it repeatedly will alternate the animation. (same as handsup)
- talktohand
- Similar to goaway, but holds out the hand palm out instead of waving it. The 'talk to the hand' gesture. (same as hand)
- tarzan
- Gives out a tarzan yell. Probably with sound effect.
- taunt, taunt1, taunt2, taunta, tauntb
- Does a taunt, with sound effect. Taunt and taunt1 are identical to the Taunt power, taunt2 is more of a 'come on' gesture with both hands.
- thanks, thankyou
- Holds out hand, as if to shake hands.
- thewave
- Does 'the wave'.
- villainlaugh, villainouslaugh
- Same as evillaugh.
- threathand
- Raises a hand as if to do the smack gesture, but only threatens to. (same as smackyou)
- thumbsup
- Holds out your hand with your thumb up. (same as yes)
- victory
- Raises arms in victory, then repeats the gesture to the right and left, as if showing off for an audience.
- walllean
- Leans against a wall with hands in pockets. May take some doing to correctly position yourself in front of a wall before using the emote. You move slightly backwards in the lean.
- wave
- A short wave in front of your body. (same as hi)
- wavefist
- Does an 'arm pumping' cheer with the arm raised and going in circles. Then calls out with hands around mouth, and ends with the clap animation, with sound. (same as rooting)
- welcome
- Extends both arms in a welcoming gesture.
- yourewelcome
- Holds one hand close to chest, then extends it with open palm, similar to 'thanks'.
- what
- Shrugs shoulders. (same as shrug and huh)
- whistle
- Whistles. (used for the HELP! animation) This makes a loud noise, so don't overdo it.
- wings
- Puts hands on hips. (same as akimbo)
- winner
- More subtle than victory, does a 'clasped hands' animation, again gesturing to an imaginary audience. (same as champion)
- yata, yatayata
- Looks in one direction as if talking to someone, and makes a 'flapping mouth' gesture with a hand.
- yes
- Holds out your hand with your thumb up. (same as thumbsup)
- yoga
- Sits in the lotus position on the ground and meditates. (same as lotus)
City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Car
Graphics Commands
These commands change the graphics capabilities of the game. This commands should not normally be used, as they are primarily intended for debugging, and can make the game impossible to play, or have other side effects. Thus, I'm putting them in a section of their own.
City Of Heroes Mastermind Alpha Slot Game
- /autoperf
- Automatically change detail level for performance
- /bloomWeight
- Sets bloom scale, valid values 0.0-2.0
- /bloomScale
- Sets bloom blur size, valid values 2 or 4
- /compatibleCursors
- Enables use of basic Windows mouse cursors instead of graphical cursors (command line option)
- /cursorcache
- Enable cursor cache for smoother cursor changes
- /disable2D
- Disables 2D sprite drawing (turns off the UI)
- /dofWeight
- Sets DOF scale, valid values 0.0-2.0
- /fsaa
- Sets the amount of full screen antialiasing
- /fullscreen
- Sets video mode to fullscreen
- /lightmapLODscale
- Set the lightmap LOD scale
- /maxfps
- Lists max frames per second
- /maxInactiveFps
- Lists max frames per second when the game is not in the foreground
- /maximize
- Maximizes window
- /netgraph
- Displays networks connection information
- /noSunFlare
- Disables sun flare for performance debugging
- /profiler_record
- Record client profiler information to specified file
- /profiler_stop
- Stop recording profiler information
- /reloadgfx
- Unloads all textures (causing them to be reloaded dynamically)
- /renderScaleX
- Changes the horizontal scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
- /renderScaleY
- Changes the vertical scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
- /renderScale
- Changes the scale at which the 3D world is rendered relative to your screen size
- /renderSize
- Changes the size at which the 3D world is rendered
- /renderScaleFilter
- Changes method of filtering used in renderscaling
- /screen
- Sets X and Y screen dimensions. Should be constrained to 640x480, 1024x768, etc.
- /showfps
- Show current frame rate (1=on, 0=off)
- /shaderDetail
- Changes the shader detail level
- /shadowvol
- Controls whether shadow volumes are drawn
- /ss
- Controls whether simple shadows are drawn
- /stopinactivedisplay
- Stops rendering when the game is not the foreground application
- /stuck
- Try to get player unstuck
- /texAniso
- Sets the amount of anisotropic filtering to use, reloads textures
- /texwordeditor
- Edit the text layout for translatable textures
- /useDOF
- Use Depth of Field effects if available
- /useFP
- Use floating point render target for HDR lighting effects if available
- /useHDR
- Use HDR lighting effects (Bloom/tonemapping) if available
- /useLightmaps
- Use lightmaps if available
- /useRenderScale
- Enables/Disables render scaling feature
- /useWater
- Use fancy water effects if available
- /vis_scale
- Controls world detail. 1.0 = default